New two volumes book Senses of Focusing has been caught for a long time in Covid situation, but finally have arrived. These two beautiful books were put together and edited by Nikolaos Kypriotakis and Judy Moore. They have done an outstanding job in creating a real jewel sparkling in many directions. There are articles by 24 and 25 contributors on over 1000 pages. You can find it at:
I was invited to contribute an article as well, but I did not feel an inner readiness towards such a job. I am a teacher, and I do write articles sometimes, but somehow my heart is in my DVD creative work.
In conversation with Nikos and Judy we decided that I will collect some interesting quotes of what Gene was saying on those clips and they will contemplate how to include them in the book. So we did that. These short texts/clips received a name “Gendlin’s spoken words” and have their spaces on the pages of these two volumes.
I really love and appreciate inclusion of Gendlin’s quotes very deeply. I am so impressed how all this is woven into the flow of these books. I feel it adds another dimension to the messages of the book. The way it is arranged looks elegant, timely and impressive. I feel honoured and gratified to have these quotes standing out and bringing Gene’s personality in freshly. Gene’s comments come out of the moment and situation he is at – FISS or Building up TAE practice workshops with Focusing people around. Or at some International conference or presentations for therapists. Wherever I was with my camera to catch what he had to say, new gems appear. I feel Gene is fresh on the spot, not reading some philosophical stuff but just another human being who happens to be asked all kinds of questions and shares his ideas often humorously and sensitively.
Thank you to all who contributed to the books. And very special thank you to Judy and Nikos for hard work, patience, perseverance for bringing this excellent gift to our communities. Thank you Thank you.