Still time to register for:
Spring Focusing Gathering for the new decade: Renewing Mind, Body, and Spirit
in Quebec City, Canada
SEE WEBSITE for Gathering details
Nada Lou will be one of the facilitators at this Gathering. This is what she says about Spiritual in Focusing:
“People who discover Focusing often quickly associate it with spirituality-related practices like meditation, prayer, worship, mindfulness, synchronicity, intuition and similar. They ask if there is a spiritual dimension in body that can be explored through felt sensing in Focusing. I say yes it can be found if you are ready to receive it. Fr. Ed McMahon and Peter Campbell cofounders of The BioSpiritual Focusing made research and contribution for this important aspect of Focusing”.
See this short clip featuring Ed McMahon cofounder of BioSpiritual Focusing.
ORIGINS of BioSpirituality with Edwin M. McMahon